When you are creating your brand you start at products and/or service. As you perfect those you move in to more phases. With one of those phases I urge you to re-evaluate your brand to cater to your clientele. There are quite a few points to keep in mind when you think about the process of cultivating your customers of your brand.
Participate in a conversation changes that conservation. Right now, you have had customers who are having conversations about your brand. Whether they like or dislike it, they want something different, they love it and want to share their experiences... You want to be a part of that experience. When you as a brand begins to participate the conversation begins to switch. You can add value and create a powerful presence that brings your message and Brand into a great light. In turn, you will create a trust and build brand advocates.
Interaction breaks down walls. Almost every single brand has two types of conversations happening around it. The internal conversation that happens within and the external that is the customers have having about it. These are often completely different. However, when brands and customers begin to interact with each other the viewpoints and the directions start to align. If you work with your customers you will understand far more of what your brand needs instead of working against them,
Interaction leads to understanding, and understanding leads to trust. Like we just talked about the more you hear from your customers the more you learn. Likewise, the more they hear from you the more they trust and learn. They will be far more likely to see and understand your viewpoint. The customers will engage and feel like they are heard because you have given them the ability to trust in you.
Trust leads to advocacy. I am a huge proponent in customer advocacy. A customer advocate is not only a referral but will praise your services and/or products. This customer is only found after a strong trust was built and is heard and felt appreciated by your brand.
If you are looking for help with your branding or keeping your social media up to date please make sure to reach out! Send me an email! Catch me on Social Media and send me a DM!