You have so much to share, you have such an amazing talent and unique look into your niche but people are not seeing you. You have an audience but they are not latching on like they should be. Maybe you are just starting out, maybe you have switched expertise, maybe you are going from a national online shop to a local store front! Ending story, you need more exposure because you have something amazing to share.
How to gain instant credibility when you are just starting out or seasoned in your niche. We are going to chat about how to “borrow” an audience, how to ask to be featured in front of other people’s audience. And lastly, what you need to do every 3 months that will sky rocket brand!
What is the first thing you are going to need when you are starting your brand? Now I am not saying like when you are picking brand pallets and logos but when you are ready to hit the ground running. An audience. You need someone to talk to, someone to reach for your product. So, you get online and it is crickets. Like legit crickets, there is not a soul in the platform that knows your name. So, you need to go on the hunt for another person's audience. GO LIVE WITH THE PERSON! Pick a person who has a decent following and send a feeler out. Find someone in your niche or a niche that is relative to you. Ask them if you can interview them and put it on your page.
Let’s talk about interviews and podcasts. Everyone should be doing one or the other. While we would all like to Oprah people and have a guest on stage and ask them amazing questions and make billions. However, you are doing this as a means to an end. A simple Facebook or Instagram live is an interview and it will be sufficient for what you are looking for. Ya know, until you hit it big time and land Tom Cruise on your couch.
So, how do you create a following by doing this? You will be grabbing on to their audience and bringing them into your niche. When you create an ask for them do a “give” before a “receive”. Obviously it would be better if you could be on their page but you need to create a trust bond to make such a big ask. A lot of times they will return the favor if the interview goes well and there is valuable information to talk about.
So, I am going to lean you into the podcast realm. I say this with weary because I myself have not created time in my schedule to do this. This is one of the best ways to create a following. In a short amount of time. I know, I know… I should practice what I preach. Honestly, visibility should be a main focus for you. I talk a lot about Brand Voice, Content Creation, Customer Retention but none of that matters if you are not visible to an audience.
Podcasts and “interviews” don’t need to be made in a fancy production room or a studio. The nice thing about lives is that you can simply split the screen and ask questions! You can do it from your couch if that’s your style! What happens is that their live also goes up and grabs their audience to watch you. You just need to be prepared to be valuable. It is your first impression with this audience and you do not want it to go badly. Create appropriate questions with answers that will be of merit to both your audience and theirs.
Do your research! Watch a few of their lives or listen to their podcasts and when you reach out to them use those as reference. “I saw your podcast about XYZ and I would love to dig a little deeper in that on my page… would you be willing to go live with me about that?” If they had good results from that podcast or live you are bound to have good results with yours as well.
Lastly, Every 3 months you need to go into launch mode. You need to create something and start launching it. You need to start prepping and begin to see what your audience now wants to re-evaluate. If you are consistently gaining a new audience they are going to be consistently wanting more. Following the interview idea you will be gaining a new audience every time you do an interview, you will need to go to your audience and survey them and prep them for a new launch of a product. This will keep the warmed up clients wanting the offer and the new clients wanting to learn more.
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