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9 Ways to Create Customer Retention

I am sure you have heard it before. Gaining new clients is more expensive than keeping the clients you have. What I am here to tell you is to not focus on new clients as much as the clients you already have. Most businesses focus on filling their Brand "Bathtub". They continue keeping the water on and fill it with things like Ads, Marketing schemes, new enticing products and more but what they are not doing is checking that their drain is shut. They are letting their current clients slip out because they are so focused on a new bright and shiny customer they forget about the loyalty.

I am here to remind you to CLOSE YOUR DRAIN!

Here are the 9 ways I have found to retain customers! Whether you are in product of service, these keys are going to get those current customers to become loyal!

  1. Show you are hard at work!

    1. Show your behind the scenes! If you are closed for construction or you are working on a new project show it! let them know you are working for them even when they cannot see it!

  2. Use Extra Special Touches!

    1. You may think of this for only product based but it truly can be used for both!

    2. Brainstorm things you can do for clients birthdays, loyalty rewards, Holiday specials for members only!

  3. Constant Communication and a Plan

    1. You need to share a vision! share what is in the future for your company!

    2. Use email and/or a newsletter to keep them updated on company information. They will feel like they are "in-the-know" and you will have less phone calls asking the same question over and over.

    3. This is how you get customers excited about what is to come and not anxious that it came out of nowhere.

  4. Be Efficient in your Response

    1. Aim for a 24 response time.

    2. This might be the MOST IMPORTANT THING I SAY IN THIS! 48 hours or 2 business days is TOO long to wait now! They WILL MOVE ON!

    3. When you are responding, make sure those customers are feeling heard!

  5. What Can they Expect Moving Forward?

    1. Your audience needs a time frame and an answer. If you have an issue that is in limbo. Give your customers a time frame when they can expect more information. This will make them feel as though they have a vested interest in the problem and solution.

  6. Include them on a Problem that may Need Solving

    1. Ask customers for their suggestions.

    2. This works great with an unhappy customer. Always ask a customer if they have a solution. It works out one of two ways are both are great! one: They don't have a solution and it will quiet them or two: they have a great solution and you will be able to use implement it! win-win!

    3. If you include them, they will feel heard and you will feel confident that they will be happy!

  7. Take responsibility

    1. This are going to get messy. It happens. No business is perfect!

    2. Own it, Say I am sorry and over-deliver on their next interaction with you. Whether it is with this issue or the next one.

  8. Under-Promise and Over Deliver!

    1. Leave some things off of the deal. Do not tell them every positive aspect of the sale, brand, coupon,... Surprise them with a extra.

A No-Brainer offer will be even better when it ends with an over deliver! That will be talked about and you will see a referral from that!
  1. Do not forget about them when starting a new promotion!

    1. Current customers HATE seeing "New customer only" promotions!

    2. Do a combination of new customer and existing customer sales.

    3. They will love when you are thinking about them and their bottom line!

All in all keeping a customer is not only cheaper but it makes for the best kind of new customer, a referral! Someone who is an easy sell because they heard about your great service or product! make sure your current clients are happy and heard!

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